Chesterton Solo



Intonation – 10 points

Performer is in tune relative to key of piece and to accompaniment if present

Tone Quality – 10 points

Demonstration of focus, resonance, tone quality, lack of tension, and other techniques associated with trained singing

Dynamics – 10 points

Dynamic contrast is appropriate and used with control

Rhythm – 10 points

Performer demonstrates rhythmic integrity within the set tempo and the accompaniment if present

Diction – 10 points

Lyrics are understood; consonants and vowels are natural and appropriate

Articulation – 10 points

Performer produces sounds in a clear, understandable manner

Sensitivity to Lyrics – 10 points

Performers create a cohesive environment that engages audience through lyrics set to music

Facial Expression – 10 points

Emotion, characterization, and intent are clear, true, and believable

Interpretation/Style – 10 points

Performer uses distinctive sounds according to song genre choice

Phrasing/Technique – 10 points

Elements of phrasing, sensitivity, and nuance are present