Manchester Single Gender 2023



Tone Quality – 10 points

Demonstration of stylistically appropriate vocal shape, timbre, and release of tension

Technique – 10 points

Demonstration of breath support, lack of tension, focus, resonance, and other techniques associated with trained singing

Intonation – 10 points

Choir is in tune when singing in unison and in parts

Balance & Blend – 10 points

Relative volume of voice parts and individuals is well proportioned, unobtrusive, and unification of vowels and tone quality are achieved with placement and conformity

Dynamics – 10 points

Dynamic contrast is appropriate and used with control

Diction – 10 points

Lyrics are understood; consonants and vowels are natural and appropriate

Rhythmic Precision – 10 points

Choir demonstrates rhythmic integrity, synchronized onsets, and uniform releases

Musicality & Interpretation – 10 points

Elements of phrasing, sensitivity, and nuance are present

Projection – 10 points

Ensemble is perceptible throughout venue, achieved by combination of tone, intensity, and articulation

Difficulty – 10 points

Level of skill and work needed to successfully perform music


Technique – 10 points

Demonstration of support, control, lack of tension, and other techniques associated with trained dancing

Precision & Execution – 10 points

Choreography and movements are presented with commitment and are rhythmically synchronized

Communication & Expression – 10 points

Emotion, characterization, and intent are clear, true, and believable

Poise – 10 points

Ensemble demonstrates professionalism and confidence

Staging & Blocking – 10 points

Ensemble achieves spacing and layering that compliment visual effect of performance

Stylistic Authenticity & Choreographic Content – 10 points

Ensemble uses distinctive movements according to song genre choice

Facial Characterization – 10 points

Emotion, characterization, and intent are clear, true and believable

Difficulty – 10 points

Level of skill and work needed to successfully perform show

Overall Effect

Appearance & Costuming – 10 points

Ensemble's costuming and grooming are assembled well and enhance presentation

Entertainment Value – 10 points

Ensemble's presentation of choreography, costuming, accompaniment, and, if present, sets, props, and special effects combine to enhance performance

Coordination of Vocals & Visuals – 10 points

Vocal judges: choreography facilitates and enhances vocals. Visual judges: vocals facilitate and enhance choreography

Transitions & Pacing – 10 points

Construction of performance facilitates audience and performer engagement, performance flow is uninterrupted and reaches a peak; transitions are effective


Quality of Accompaniment – 10 points

Demonstration of tone quality, articulation, breath support, and other techniques associated with trained playing. When used, electronic instruments and effects choose appropriate sounds and complement the performance. If present, mixing and other sound support are executed successfully.

Interplay between Accompaniment, Vocals, & Visuals – 10 points

Band accommodates, enhances, and compliments the vocal sound and choreography.


The captions for Single Gender Choirs are weighted as 42% Vocals (100 points), 33% Choreography (80 points), 17% Overall Effect (40 points), 8% Accompaniment (20 points). The grand total for all captions is 240 points. The proportions cannot be mathematically manipulated.