Mississippi A Cappella Rubric 2025
Vocal Performance
Vocal Blend and Balance – 10 points
Harmony, melody and rhythm parts are balanced; unified ensemble sound is present; voices are balanced within and across parts
Intonation – 10 points
Singing is consistently in-tune throughout the performance
Arrangement – 10 points
Difficulty is appropriate for age/ability; range is appropriate for singers’ voices
Rhythm/Vocal Percussion – 10 points
Ensemble exhibits rhythmic precision; tempo is consistent; VP contributes to the rhythmic accuracy
Tone Quality – 10 points
Vocal color and tone are appropriate to the music; Tone is well-supported, freely produced, resonant
Dynamics – 10 points
Dynamics are musically interesting, appropriate and well-executed
Solo Interpretation – 10 points
Solos are within range and ability; solos are performed accurately to the style of the piece; soloist is engaging and energetic
Diction – 10 points
Vowels are matched and consistent; diction is stylistically appropriate
Visual Performance
Effectiveness of Presentation – 10 points
Ensemble fosters connection with audience; performers exhibit emotional credibility
Energy/Stage Presence – 10 points
Ensemble is energized on stage and shows confidence in movements
Transitions – 10 points
Transitions are smooth, brief, and stylistically appropriate
Appropriateness of Movement – 10 points
Movements match the song and do not detract from vocal performance; movement enhances the performance
Professionalism – 10 points
Performance is well-planned and rehearsed; stage conduct exhibits appropriate poise