Vocal Performance
Tone & Technique – 10 points
Demonstration of support, release of tension, tone quality, resonance and other techniques associated with trained singing
Intonation – 10 points
Choir is in tune when singing in unison and in parts
Balance & Clarity – 10 points
Relative volume of voice parts and individuals is well proportioned, unobtrusive, and harmonious
Blend – 10 points
Relative volume of voice parts and individuals is well proportioned, unobtrusive, and is perceptible throughout venue, achieved by combination of tone, intensity, and articulation
Diction – 10 points
Lyrics are understood; consonants and vowels are natural and appropriate
Rhythm & Precision – 10 points
Choir demonstrates rhythmic integrity, synchronized onsets, and uniform releases
Visual Performance
Staging & Transitions – 10 points
Spacing and layering of the ensemble in relation to stage compliment visual effect, and performance flow is uninterrupted with climax
Stylistic Authenticity & Content – 10 points
Ensemble uses distinctive movements according to song genre choice
Poise – 10 points
Ensemble demonstrates professionalism and confidence
Precision & Execution – 10 points
Choreography and staging are presented with energy and commitment, and are rhythmically synchronized
Communication & Expression – 10 points
Emotion, characterization, and intent are clear, true, and believable
Entertainment Value – 10 points
Ensemble synthesizes all visual elements of the performance into a successful show
By Raw Scores, the captions Music and Show are weighted 50/50. Total of 120 points possible per judge.